Come Home to Nature

Original Oil Paintings

Limited Edition Art Prints

The Understory Collection

A unique line of limited edition prints inspired by nature’s seasons

About the Artist

Emmalyn Marie is a representational oil painter living & traveling full time in her self renovated motorhome, complete with an art studio.

I am a passionate artist, creating original oil paintings and fine art prints that connect us to nature and bring us home to ourselves. When I’m not painting in my little RV studio, you can find me on a nature walk, doing yoga, or snuggling with my two cats.

I am passionate about painting mother nature because I truly believe that our deep connection to her brings us home to our true selves. It is through this reconnection that we unearth the profound wisdom housed within us.

we are not separate from nature

We are Nature

When I paint, I enter a state of mediation, where my mind unwinds and my soul finds solace in the strokes of color and the rhythm of creation.

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